The Arab Architectureal Renaissance In The Western Part Of Occupied Jerusalem
The Arab Architectural Renaissance in the Western part of occupied Jerusalem. A historical and current review based on documents, figures, maps and photographs.

The replacement of the Ottoman Empire’s rule over Jerusalem by British forces in 1917 and the imposition of a British Mandate on Palestine by the League of Nations in 1921, created a new era of urban development in Jerusalem.
20.00 20.0 USD
History in the Arab Skies
Aviation's Impact on the Middle East

Today, Gulf airlines are major international players, and Arab air forces are leading customers for military aircraft. But the region’s link with aviation is far from recent. History in the Arab Skies reveals the close relationship between the Middle East and flying from the earliest days of flight and analyses the decisive impact it had on the political complexion of the region. This book, colourful, and richly illustrated, tells how flying and the history of the modern Middle East are interwoven. It will have broad appeal – not least to the millions who fly to or transit the region each year.
15.00 15.0 USD
Libya's Hidden Pages of History - A Memoir
A Memoir

Former Prime Minister of Libya in the 1950s, Mustafa Ben-Halim experienced at first hand the stormy political life of the newly independent monarchy. He had been described as one of the greatest leaders of Libya's political history. While working tirelessly to guard his country against the intrigues of Britain and France (their plotting confirmed in secret official documents from the day), Mr Ben-Halim sought to build ties with neighbouring states. He established a close rapport with President Abdel Nasser of Egypt and tried to mediate between Cairo and London in the build-up to the Suez crisis. With Libya back in the headlines, this frank autobiography provides a rare personal glimpse into a formative period of the country's history.

Essential Reading:

Documents and files published for the first time and which have been released now after decades of secrecy
Highly engaging story of a former Libyan prime minister
Will appeal to people interested in Libya’s politics of the 20th century
Libyan history
Middle East history


The Road to the Premiership
The Political Situation in Cyrenaica Late 1940s - Early 1950s
The Fall of the Muntasir Government
The Constitutional Crisis of 1954: I Form a Government
The Political Inclinations of King Idris
The Assassination of the Head of the Royal Household
Constitutional Reforms
The Strengthening of National Independence
The Treaty of Friendship and Good Neighborliness with France
The Story of Oil
The Algerian Revolution and Libya's Role in its Support
Libya and the Tripartite Aggression against Egypt
Repercussions of the Tripartite Aggression
The Final Crisis Before
The Last Years of the Monarchy and the Coup of September 1969
15.00 15.0 USD
Windows On Interesting Times
This book is not a history of the past half century of the Middle East, not a memoir, not an autobiography. It is just what the title says: windows. Windows meant to illuminate the times. Windows opened by journalism.

It is not a chronological account of people and events but an impressionist literary experiment. Stories gliding along streams of thought rather than daily entries in a journal or systematic press coverage.

While based in Lebanon and Cyprus, Michael Jansen has travelled the Arab world from Yemen in the east to Algeria in the west.

"A unique perspective on the Middle East over the past half century. Michael Jansen has been everywhere, met everyone and understood the forces of history and personality that have shaped the region. By giving the reader snapshots of the great historical figures and the ordinary people to whom she listened carefully, she shows how the area degenerated and incurred so much harmful foreign intervention. It is a personal story, but it is also an important document." - Charles Glass, former ABC News Chief Middle East Correspondent, author of Tribes with Flags and Syria Burning.

"I was so engrossed when first reading her story and the events rolling backward and forward, when I looked at the time it was two in the morning. She pursued and presented events as they were, describing in minute detail the surroundings and the people, the spirit of the Middle East, the revolutions and the defeats, the social changes and upheavals without trying to explain or analyze, leaving that to the reader. Her observations show she understands the Arabs." - Dr. Lamia al- Gailani Werr, Iraqi archaeologist and author.
23.00 23.0 USD